Umme AI: Truly Thinks Our World.

The Future is Here: Meet Umme, the AI designed for a Smarter World. Unlike other AI, Umme thinks on its own, ready to transform how we work, live, and innovate.

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Power Your Entire Life was built to push the limits of AI. We are reinventing the future of human to machine communication.


By automating routine tasks and personalizing how you work, Ummefrees us to focus on creativity and innovation. Embrace a future where work is fulfilling.


Our proprietary technology, distinct from Large Language Models and Neuronal Network, facilitates new use cases, unlocking unparalleled opportunities and applications.

LEVERAGE EXISTING KNOWLEDGE was initially built to harness the extensive knowledge hidden in software across codebases and programming languages. From this critical need, Umme paving the way for groundbreaking innovation.

THINK DIFFERENT hide the complexity of AI to pave the way for an intuitive way to create, explore, and learn. Umme is your knowledge assistant.

How Umme is different?

Umme reasons:
Unlike current AI, Umme does not rely on a Large Language Model (LLM) or Neural Network(RNN). Umme is designed to learn and reason, rather than merely simulating intelligence.

Umme is adaptive:
Unlike current AI, Umme has been designed from the ground up to be customizable to specific needs and capable of inspiring improvements to users.

Umme is efficient:
Unlike current AI, Umme relies less on power-intensive computing capabilities, as its foundation is based on logic rather than probabilistic algorithms (LLM, RNN).

Umme is powered by our new technology foundation: U-lang

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    Your needs, Your AI

    Umme delivers customized experiences from your data, enhancing productivity and driving innovation.

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    Code and Data Insights

    Umme enables businesses to extract valuable insights from large codebases, data, facilitating better decision-making and predictive analytics.

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    Umme can automate tasks, streamline processes, and optimize workflows, leading to increased productivity and cost savings.

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