Terms of Service

Terms of Service

These Terms of Service ("Terms") and our Usage Policy set out the agreement between you and Ais Technology, Switzerland to use Umme.ai ("Service"). Please take some time to read over them and understand them. By agreeing to these Terms, or in the absence of such agreement, by using the Services, you agree to be bound by them, including any changes made to them in accordance with the Terms. Our affiliates, licensors, distributors, and service providers (collectively “Providers”) are not contracting parties under these Terms. In these Terms, when we refer to “we”, “us” or “our,” or similar, we mean Ais Technology.

1. Who we are

Umme.ai is a research company working to build AI systems.

2. Account creation and access

You must be at least 18 years old to use the Services. Your Umme Account. To access our Services, we may ask you to create an account (your “Account”), to provide certain information (such as your email address), and to create a password. You agree to provide correct, current, and complete information and allow us to use it to communicate with you about our Services. You agree to notify us promptly if there are any changes to the information you have provided to us. Our communications to you using such information will satisfy any requirements for legal notices.

3. Fees and payment

By registering for our waiting list, you agree to pay a nominal fee to secure your position in line for our upcoming service launch. This payment will be promptly refunded to you once the service is officially launched. Your registration fee serves to prioritize your access to the service and is fully refundable upon its availability. Please note that this fee is non-transferable and will be refunded using the original payment method provided during registration. If you purchase access to our Services or features of our Services from us, you must provide complete and accurate billing information (“Payment Method”). You confirm that the card or bank account which is being used as your Payment Method is yours, or that you have the authorization of the account holder to use it. If you use a Payment Method which you are not authorized to use, you will be liable to us for any losses that we suffer as a result of your use of that Payment Method. You agree that we may charge the Payment Method for any applicable fees listed on our Services and any applicable tax. You agree that we will not be held liable for any errors caused by third-party payment processors used to process fees paid by you to us. You have a legal right to change your mind and cancel the registration at any time by contacting us. Please cancel your Account by notifying us at contact@umme.ai and we will refund you the fees paid by you.

4. General terms

We may revise and update these Terms. These changes will come into effect no less than 30 days from when we notify you, unless the change is due to a change in law or for security reasons (in which case we may need to change the Terms on shorter notice).

5. Use of our brand

You may not, without our prior written permission, use our name, logos, or other trademarks in connection with products or services other than the Services. To seek permission, please email us at contact@umme.ai.

6. Legal Compliance

We may comply with governmental, court, and law enforcement requests or requirements relating to provision or use of the Services, or to information provided to or collected under our Terms. We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to report information from or about you to law enforcement.

7. Fees and payment

In case of disputes Governing Law and Jurisdiction. These Terms are governed by Swiss law.

8 Contacting us

Address: Route Saint Cergue, CH-1260, Nyon, Switzerland Email address:
